Các bạn nhớ Đăng ký để nhận được thông báo sớm nhất. Cảm ơn.
Ủng hộ Blog qua thẻ cào Viettel hoặc chuyển khoản: https://forms.gle/THrsJLSqproFHc8t7
What you'll learn:
- Design database schema using DBML and automatically generate SQL code from it
- Deeply understand the DB isolation levels, transactions and how to avoid deadlock
- Automatically generate Golang code to interact with the database
- Develop a RESTful backend web service using the Gin framework
- Secure the APIs with user authentication, JWT and PASETO
- Write stronger test set with high coverage using interfaces and mocking
- Build a minimal Docker image for deployment and use Docker-compose for development
- Set up Github Action to automatically build and deploy the app to AWS Kubernetes cluster
- Register a domain and config Kubernetes ingress to route traffic to the web service
- Enable automatic issue & renew TLS certificate for the domain with Let's Encrypt
- Take your web service to the next level with gRPC and gRPC gateway
- Run background workers to process tasks asynchronously with Redis and Asynq
Time video: 18.5 hours (79 Lessons + Documents)
Total weight: 11.22 GB
Original link: https://www.udemy.com/course/backend-master-class-golang-postgresql-kubernetes/
Link Download: Below The Post
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