"Dive Into Ansible - Beginner to Expert in Ansible - DevOps" helps unlock the full potential of Ansible with a comprehensive learning experience that starts with the fundamentals and takes you all the way to advanced topics
- Ansible Introduction for Beginners
- How to Effectively use Ansible Configuration Files
- Creating and Using Ansible Inventories
- Gathering useful information with Ansible Facts for Automation
- Understanding and using Ansible Modules
- How to use and Create Ansible Playbooks
- Effectively structuring Ansible playbooks with Includes, Roles and Tags
- How to use Ansible with cloud services and containers, AWS, and Docker
- Creating and Using Dynamic Inventories
- Creating and Using Ansible Plugins
- Creating and Using Ansible Modules
- Using Ansible Variables and Magic Variables
- Securing Information with Ansible Vault
- Advanced Topics - BuiltIn Modules, Parallel Looping, Conditionals, Task Delegation
- Troubleshooting with Ansible
- Using Ansible for validation and testing (and best practices)
- Automation templating with Jinja2
Link gốc: https://www.udemy.com/course/diveintoansible/
Time Course: 7.5 hours (37 Lectures + Documents)
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