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Ebook Data Analytics for Finance Using Python (Có bản dịch Tiếng Việt)


Ebook Introduction: "
Data Analytics for Finance Using Python"

Discover the transformative power of data analytics in the financial world with this all-in-one guide. Data Analytics for Finance Using Python is your ultimate companion for decoding the complexities of financial markets using cutting-edge tools and techniques.

In this ebook, you'll embark on a comprehensive journey to explore:

  • Techniques for uncovering hidden patterns and trends in financial data.
  • Building predictive models to support smarter investment decisions.
  • Utilizing machine learning and inferential statistics for advanced insights.
  • Real-world applications, including stock price prediction and portfolio optimization.

Packed with practical case studies, it bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world finance, empowering professionals and researchers to leverage data for decision-making and success.

Whether you're aiming to refine your skills as a finance professional or explore innovations in data-driven insights, this ebook equips you with the knowledge to stay competitive, make informed decisions, and drive impactful results.

Bạn sẽ được học:

  • Stock Investments Portfolio Management by Applying K-Means Clustering.
  • Predicting Stock Price Using the ARIMA Model.
  • Stock Investment Strategy Using a Logistic Regression Model.
  • Predicting Stock Buying and Selling Decisions by Applying the Gaussian Naïve Bayes Model Using Python Programming.
  • The Random Forest Technique Is a Tool for Stock Trading Decisions.
  • v.v...

Link gốc:

Page Length: 173 pages

Instructor: Nitin Jaglal Untwal, Utku Kose

Total Weight: 14.1 MB

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