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React JS, Angular & Vue JS - Quickstart & Comparison (Udemy - Engsub)


Course Introduction: "React JS, Angular & Vue JS - Quickstart & Comparison"

Which JavaScript framework should you choose: React, Angular, or Vue? If you're unsure where to start, this course is the perfect introduction!

You'll get a crash course on the three most popular JavaScript frameworksReact.js, Angular, and Vue.js—along with a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision.

✔ Learn the core concepts of each framework
✔ Understand key differences and use cases
✔ Explore how these frameworks compare to jQuery and why modern web development has moved beyond it

By the end of this course, you'll have a strong foundation in all three frameworks, allowing you to confidently dive deeper into the one that best suits your needs.

What you'll learn:

  • Choose their favorite JavaScript framework and dive deeper into it
  • Understand the JavaScript world and its many packages and tools better
  • Take their JavaScript apps to the next level

Link gốc:

Time Course: 8 hours (144 lectures + Documents)

Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Total Weight: 3 GB

** Note: Nếu khóa học chỉ có Engsub thì các bạn có thể dùng phần mềm PotPlayer để tự động dịch ra ngôn ngữ khác nhé. Hướng dẫn tại đây:

Chú ý:
+ Đối với link Google Drive nếu muốn copy nhanh về máy thì các bạn vui lòng sử dụng Air Explorer Pro
+ Muốn xem có sub các bạn vui lòng tải khóa học về máy tính và dùng phần mềm xem video chuyên dụng như VLC, PotPlayer, KMPlayer,...
+ Vui lòng tải về máy để xem được chất lượng video tốt nhất


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